
Here's some important stuff to know! Please, read thoroughly.

My Art

Like I've mentioned before, I'm a SFW furry, so my art doesn't contain any nudity, sexual imagery or whatever type of fetishy elements.However, I'm not afraid of a bit of horror and/or gore in art, so my own art MAY contain such imagery so now and then! Some of my artworks (especially my comic!) may contain some strong language too!I always draw animals, whether it be regular, mythical or monstrous ones. I also draw microbes, though mostly in animal forms too. Many of my own original characters are in fact microbes.English isn't my first language, so spelling and grammatical errors may occur in texts on my artworks!YOUR FAN-ART OF MY CHARACTERS?
You may draw my characters if you want. But, please, keep to below listed rules regarding fan-art!

  • No scarcely dressed, nudity, sexual/straight up pornographic acts or imagery!

  • No fetishes!

  • No heavy gore!

  • No eyestrain/seizure inducing imagery!

  • No hateful imagery/text (racism, homo/transphobia, or whatever type of hate against whoever in general!)

*Best is of course to ask what I'm more specifically comfortable with and what not. But this list is to give you an insight in what is definitely not allowed!


  • Be kind and respectful!

  • No roleplaying. I'm not into that.

  • No weird comments on my socials.

  • No tracing, copying or straight up claiming my characters and/or art!

  • If you want to make an AU of my stories, then keep it to yourself and don't ask me/try to get me involved in your project, please (I've had bad experiences in the past!). And most importantly, always properly mention me as the original story and its character's original creator!

Do Not Interact!

  • Pedophiles, zoophiles, racists, homo/transphobic (actually anyone who's against anything LGBTQA in general!), ableist persons, furry haters, any ill-intentioned person in general!

  • Minors (unless you're respectful, patient and surprisingly mature for your age!)

  • Neurotypical people who believe that any type of neurodivergency is a disease and/or curable.

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My collar!